
Monday, December 6, 2021

Performing Arts

 Link To Slideshow

What is Performing Art?

Performing Arts is a creative activity perform in front of an audience,
Such as Dance, Drama, Music, Plays, Movies plus more

My favourite way to showcase performing arts is dance
How dance fights depression, Parkinson's, and other brain disease — Quartz

Move rhythmically to music, following a set of steps, 

A type of play for theatre or television

Vocal or instrumental sounds or both combined to produce harmony and expression of emotions

Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation than a serious or practical purpose 

A cinema film, Acting

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Availll - Hook

 Surprise Subtitles

1. That's a game

2. Yeah, junk bond

3. Lost, Lost, Lost 

4. Come on Jack, out

5. It was a beautiful speech 

Surprise Subtitles Part 2

1. The window

2. No more happy thoughts

3. Parachute

4. Tink help me

5. Long Live The Hook

6. Help daddy help

7. That is not Pan

8. Lost boys, wake up    

Surprise Subtitles 3   

1. It's time for Smee

2. I want my mommy

3. Just like you said

Next Word Hunt : With

1. With a sword

2. With my own book

3. With you island

4. With him

5. With Hook

6. With the whole class

7. With calabash

8. With everything on it

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Christchurch Earthquake - Work In Progress


What I already know

- It was a really big earthquake

What I want to find out

- The death toll

1. Because it happened during the early hours of the morning, and most people were home, asleep.

2. 6659 people got injured in the earthquake

3. Liquefaction is Sand, water, and Mud all mixed together, and breaks up through the ground and brakes many things in it's road, including Roads, and underground pipes

4. 115 people were inside the CTV building collapsed

5. Massive, Huge, Giant


Biggest earthquake in NZ

30km west of the city at 4:30 in the morning

The breaking of rocks is what causes earthquake

The fault line broke both way ( North & West )

There were a lot of after shocks

The 6.3 was the earthquake that killed people

Force of the ground pushed the rocks up 40cm

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Skittle Colours

 Aim - I want out find out what happens to skittles in warm water



- Skittles

- Plate

- Warm water


1. Get your equipment

2. Put skittles on the edge around your plate to form a circle

3. Pour 2 or 3 cups of warm water onto the plate 

4. Now wait and see the colours flow into the middle


Since we did this a long time ago, I've lost the pictures but this is how it should look!

I can conclude that if you pour warm water on top of the skittles, the sugar and food colour will melt/dissolve in the water 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Pike River Mine Disaster

 What do I know?

- It happened in a mine

- People died

- The mine was called Pike River

What do I want to know?

- The death toll

- What caused this disaster

- Was it an accident 

1. The Pike River Mine was located in the West Coast of New Zealand
2. Built the mine in 2005 at started mining on November 2008
3.There were 31 miners inside the mine when it exploded 
4. 2 people escaped
5. It was to dangerous for humans
6. She promised to unseal the mine and reopen it but didn't do it

Video Facts
Survivors - Russell Smith & Daniel Rockhouse
Russell ducked behind the door of the loader to avoid the falling rocks
Another survivor recused and helped him escape 
Daniel's 21 yrs old brother didn't make it out
They don't know why the mine exploded
Russell couldn't breath and collapsed
He felt peaceful before he collapsed
Daniel is working in Australia 
Daniel's brother is named Ben
Shock waves and smoke made Daniel weak
Daniel lost connection with the outside world
Daniel took all his anger out on his dad when he was drunk saying it was his dad's fault for Ben's death
People blamed the corporation for death of the 29 men
Now Daniel has a wife named Tammy

Here are the 29 people who died


We are learning about the Pike River Mine,

I showed my learning by putting facts onto a DLO

I am wondering if the bodies are skeletons now or anything else 

Looking back on my predictions I was correct about the mine and that people died



Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Erebus Crash

 Predictions - 

What I think I know already?

- Plane Crash

- Everyone died

- Nov 29 1979

- Crashed into snow

What I think I'll find out

Why no one survived 

Why did it crash

1. The plane was heading Scott base, McMurdo Sound and Antarctica
2. Jim Collins and Greg Cassin
3. So that the passengers could have a better view
4. The pilot and co pilot weren't told about the course change, you couldn't tell the difference between land and sky
5. Nov 28th 1979 - 12:49 Pm

Flight 901
The flight was 10 - 12 hours
Captain Thomas James Collins
First Officer - Gregory Mark Cassin
15 Flight Attendants
Navigation didn't work as well in the 1970's   
 It was cloudy and snowy
45 mins stop for fuel in Christchurch
$359 per person
They go down 1,500 feet as they approach McMurdo
Mt Erebus 2nd highest volcano
The plane crashed and burned

We are learning about the Eberus Plane Crash,

I showed my learning by putting facts onto a DLO

I am wondering why the pilots didn't know the change in direction 

Looking back on my predictions I was correct about what it was and the date and time.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Mentos & Coke

 Aim - I want to find out what will happen when you drop mentos into a bottle of coke



- Mentos

- A bottle of coke

- Flat surface


1. Get your equipment

2. Remove the lid of coke

3. Put your bottle of coke on a flat surface

4. Pour the mentos into the coke and sees what happenes


Here is what I would expect it to look like

I can conclude that adding mentos to a bottle of coke will make the coke fizz up and explode and liquid will shoot out of the bottle

Coke is full of Carbon dioxide / CO2, when the mentos drops to the bottom it creates lots of bubbles on it's pitted surface on it's way up meaning the surface of the coke is cover in tiny and shallow holes. When gas is released it forces the liquid up and out of the bottle, resulting in the eruption. 


Acids & Base

 Acid - A form of Chemical 

A acid contains Hydrogen atoms that can break off to react with a substance


Hydrochloric Acid - HCl ( Little L )

Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4

Nitric Acid - HNO3

Phosphoric Acid - H3PO4

Acetic Acid - CH3COOH

Citric Acid - Lemon & Oranges 

Formic Acid - Poison in bee - sting 

Tartaric Acid

Where do you find Acids

Plaque - Acid on your teeth

Stomach Acid - Hydrochloric Acid

Battery Acid is Sulfuric Acid

Vinegar - Acetic Acid

Coca Cola has Carbonic Acid

Vitamin C has Ascorbic Acid

Litmus paper changes to red in acids and base turns it blue

What is a Base?


1 - 14 ( pH Scale )

0 - Acid

7 - Neutral 

14 - Base

Acid has hydrogen in it 

0-1 Red

2-3 Orange

4-6 Yellow

7 Green

8-10 Blue

11-12 Indigo

13-14 Violet

pH - Potential of Hydrogen

pH is the log of the hydrogen concentration - Log is a mathematics term for counting how many points / zeros there are

Base is opposite chemical to an acid

A base contain Hydroxide - An acid contain Hydrogen 

H ( Acid ) OH or -OH ( Base )

HOH ( H2O ) - Water

Acid and Base neutralise each other and make water


Red cabbage contains pigment that can dissolve in water called anthocyanin ( anthocyanin is a pigment found in red,purple and blue flowers and mostly fruit ) and changes colour when it is mixed with an acid or base, the pigment turns red around acidic environment with a pH less than 7 and pigment that turns blue / greenish is in alkaline environments which is also called a basic


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Red Cabbage Indicator

 Aim - I want to learn find out how to tell if something is an acid



- Beaker

- Red Cabbage

- Boiling water

- Test tubes ( 2 big ones on each side and 4 little ones in the middle )

- Acid & Hydroxide 

- Dropper


1. Get your equipment

2. Tear the Red Cabbage into tiny pieces and put them in the beaker

3. Pour the boiling water in the beaker ( 100 mL )

4. Pour acid into the big test tube on the left side ( 2 cm )

5. Pour Hydroxide into the big test tube on the right side ( 2 cm )

6. Use your dropper and pour the boiling cabbage water into the big test tubes

7. Be creative and mix your colours



Tuesday, September 14, 2021

No Safe Harbour

 Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today I listened to chapter 11 of No Safe Harbour.

This is what happened in chapter 10...

Everyone was getting preparing to get off the Wahine, there was a man from the Tiakina ship that tried jumping to Wahine, but vanished between the 2 ships couple of minutes later the man was seen clawing his way back on the deck

The man the jumped between the ships was the Deputy Harbour Master, the passengers used their life jackets as pillows or seats, the lady on the Wahine ship was outside taking photos of the waves

Here are my 5 facts...
Chapter 11
The wind and waves were slowing calming down
The ship started leaning
The ship tilted so much that people had to push themselves away from the wall
They were about to abandon the ship
There might be a bit of water at the bottom of the ship

Chapter 12
Everyone started panicking
Everyone got their things ready
Some passengers headed for the life boats 
The waves and winds were too big and the life boats kept on flying away
There was a gap between the ship and the life boat some people jumped and some stayed frozen

Thank you for reading my Blog, 
Have you read this book before?
                                                                See you next time!! Byee!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Making Sherbet

 Aim - I want to find out how to make Sherbet 

Research -

Video - How To Make Sherbet

Method -


- A Cup or a bowl

- Baking powder

- Citrus Acid

- Raro / Sugar

- Popsicle Stick

- Teaspoon


1. Get your equipment

2. Add a teaspoon of raro into your cup

3. Add half a teaspoon of baking powder into your cup

4. Add half a teaspoon of citrus acid into your cup

5. Mix the powders using your Popsicle stick

6. Taste your sherbet and adjust the flavour as necessary


The sherbet was very sweet at the start, then the baking powder started reacting to the carbon dioxide to make it foam. I recommend don't put it all in your mouth because your mouth will feel numb


Citrus Acid + Sodium Bicarbonate = Carbon Dioxide  

Monday, September 6, 2021

No Safe Harbour Chapter 10

 Hey everyone,

Welcome back to my Blog! Today I had to listen to an audio of No Safe Harbour Chapter 10 and write down 5 interesting facts I heard.

Here they are...

- Everyone was getting preparing to get off the Wahine

- There was a man from the Tiakina that jumped at Wahine trying to grab onto a rope, vanished between the 2 ships then people saw him clawing his way back on the deck

- The man the jumped between the ships is the Deputy Harbour Master

- People used their life jackets as pillows or seats

- A lady on the Wahine ship was outside taking photos of the waves 

This is a short blog post but I will do chapters 11-13 in the following days.

How's your lockdown going?

See you next time! Goodbye! :)

Extra Info: The Passenger List

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Tangiwai Rail Disaster

 Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, this week we are learning about the Tangiwaii Rail Disaster


What do I think I know about this Disaster?

This Disaster happened on Dec 24th 1953 and it's about a train and something about a Lahar

What do I think I will find out about this Disaster?

Death Toll, why it happened & survivor stories

1. There was 258 people on board 
2. It started on Mt Ruapehu
3. Dec 24th 1953 at 10:21 P.M
4. He saw a man waving a torch ( It saved the 3 last carriages )
5. She gave out medals to volunteers for their bravery
6. A early warning system about the Whangaehu River 

Total of information
1925 was that last Lahar
5 carriages went to the river
151 people died
21 people who died but no one knows their names
Very active Volcano 
1945, The Volcano erupted for months and caused heaps of Lahars
The summer, the glacier begins to melt
Wellington to Auckland
Charles Parker - Train Driver
Crater bank collapses at 8:00 P.M
26 tons of solid concrete
Alison Parker waved the torch
2 women survived, one girl pulled her hair out of the window ( Anne Lennox & 1 other women - only 2 survivors of car 3  )
No one in the 6th car was badly injured
   Kennedy was the only who died, trapped underneath a car seat
Mud everywhere

This is where I found all my information for poster --> Here 


What Am I Learning?
I am learning about the Tangiwai Rail Disaster on Dec 24th 1953 at 10:21 P.M

How Does This Show My Learning?
This shows my learning because I have put all the information I have on this Poster

What Am I Wondering As A Result Of This Learning?
I have all the information I need to know

Looking Back At My Predictions, What Did I Get Right, What Was Different & Why?
I was correct about the date, train and lahar

Thank you for reading my Blog Post today,
Have you been to Wellington before?
Anyways, see you next time! Goodbyee!


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ginger Beer


I want to find out how to make ginger beer

We had to find 3 videos, here it is...




( This is not the way we made it )



- Yeast

- Sugar

- Ginger

- Lemon Juice

- Wooden Stick

- Plastic Cup

- Paper


1. Get your equipment

2. Fold you paper into a funnel

3. Put a teaspoon of Yeast with the funnel

4. Put 2 teaspoons of Sugar 

5. Pour Lukewarm water into your cup, 180 mL ( Lukewarm water is body temperature )

6. Stir slightly

7. Put a few squirts of lemon juice

8. Stir it a bit more using wooden stick

9. Put the ginger onto the paper and pour half in

10. Taste it ( put more if you want )

11. Had a tablespoon of Sugar 

12. Taste it again ( If you think it's missing anything add more of it )

13. Leave it for a day before trying it


Here's what it looks like, 
Smell - It smells like lemon juice with a bit of ginger
Taste - Mine tasted sweet and you can really taste the lemon juice with a hint of ginger.
Looks - It looks like a light mouldy yellow colour with the ting bits of ginger that hasn't dissolve yet 

I can conclude that this activity is a really good way to learn about Fermentation

Thank you, Goodbye!  


 Hey everyone,

Welcome back to my Blog, this week we are learning about Space, 

I had read a journal called Digital Space / Kiwis In Space,


I had to find some 25 key words and turn them into a Word Cloud!

Key words

Word Cloud

Here are somethings that I learnt while doing this, I chose to do a Screencastify about it with my friend Sophie! Enjoy!

Thank you for reading my Blog Post today
Would you go to Space if you had the chance?
See you next time! Goodbye!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Ballantynes Fire

 Hey everyone,

Welcome back to my Blog, today we are learning about the Ballantynes fire, I hope you enjoy!

I think this disaster is about a fire on Nov 18th 1974, 

I want to find out what caused the fire and if there was a death toll how long did it take to put the fire out.

1. People were served by waitress and expensive clothes, it was a designer store
2. Ballantynes is located in Christchurch
3. The fire started at 3:46 P.M on November 18th 1974
4. They had no smoke alarms and they no evaluation plans, people downstairs thought it was a small Cellar fire so didn't tell the upstairs people
5. 41 Workers died in the fire, 2 people jumped from a veranda they were unconscious but okay 
6. No smoking inside, don't walk away even if it's small, they have smoke alarms now.

This is the video
Worst fire in history, 
4:00 in the afternoon
300 worked here
The army and and air forces helped the firemen with crowd control
They pumped water for 4 hours using 36 massive hoses

This next video wasn't useful, it was too long and hard to hear.

Here is my poster for this weeks activity

Blog Reflection
What am I learning?
I am learning about the Ballantynes Fire.

How does my work show my learning?
This posters shows my learning because I have all the information I need on my poster.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I wondering how the fire started in the first place

Looking back at my predictions, what did I get right, what was different and why?
My prediction was correct

Thank you for reading my Blog Post today,
Have you been to the Ballantynes Department Store yet?
See you next time! Goodbye!


Friday, August 6, 2021


 Hey Everyone.

Welcome back to my Blog this week we were learning about the Olympics in Hurumanu 1, my group was learning about Olympic Rowing. 

Rowing became a sport in England , the 1st and oldest rowing competition was held in 1715, the event was called Doggett's Coat and Badge and it's still happening till this day.

Here are my facts about Olympic Rowing...


We also had to make up a random sport for the Olympics...

Thank you for reading for blog,
Would you try my Contest?
See you next time, Bye!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Chilli Tasting


I want to find out if milk will help reduce the burn of the hot sauce

We had to find 3 videos, here it is...

Funny Video

Science Video

Experiment Video



- Toothpick

- Hot sauce

- Stopwatch

- Water

- Coke

- Milk


  • Get your Equipment
  • Dip the toothpick into the hot sauce
  • Suck the hot sauce of the toothpick
  • Start timing
  • Stop timing when your mouth stops burning 
Result - 
Time Take To Stop The Burning2mins405secs30secs4secs

I can concluded that Milk was the best at stopping the hot feeling. The less effective liquid was cola.

Why does chilli burn your mouth and why does milk stop it?
Capsaicin triggers your receptor and tells your brain that your mouth is on fire and capsaicin dissolves in oil so that's why milk helps it.

Thanks for reading!

The Napier Earthquakes

Hey Everyone, 

Welcome back to my Blog, Today we are learning about The Napier Earthquake. Here are our activities / questions...


What Do I Think I Know About This Disaster?

I know that's it an Earthquake that happened on Feb 3 1931.

What Do I Think I Will Find Out About This Disaster?

I think I will find out who died and how many buildings were destroyed.

Understand (Know What It’s About)

Apply (Explore and Dig Deeper)

Create (Design Something New)

1. When was the Hawke’s Bay earthquake?

It was at 10:47 AM on February the 3rd 1931 

2. What was the official death toll of this disaster?

There was a total of 256 who died, 161 in Napier, 93 in Hastings and 2 in Wairoa

3. Where are two places that doctors set up


In the Botanical Gardens and Race Courses in Napier

4. What is one benefit that came from the


New houses built in Art Deco Style and also creating new lands for farms

5. How long did the main earthquake last for?

The main earthquake lasted for 2 and a half minutes

6. Why do you think children from this region were

sent around New Zealand?

There was no School for the children to go to, no homes for them to live in and it wasn't safe due to the 525 aftershocks.

We had to watch some videos and find useful info about them, here are all of my facts in total.

- 90 years since the Earthquake

-  99 Nolan Manly was 9 years old when the Earthquake happened

- Veronica bell rang for 2 and a half minutes

- People had to live in tents

- After the earthquake people built houses in an Art Deco style 

- Before the earthquake there was a fire

- Mostly damage was due to fire

- Hospitals were damaged

- Water pumping station was damaged

- Railway was built 2-3 weeks later after the Quake 

- 300 boys in a collage and some boys got thrown out of building due to Earthquake, a boy was found and rescued 3 days after

The 2 videos I watched are here if you wanted to watch them for yourself ---> Video 1 Video 2

Here is my Canva Poster I made to show you some info about the Earthquake...

Here is the website i found most my info - Website

Thank you for reading my blog post, 
What are your options on Earthquakes?
See you next time! Goodbye! 



Simone Biles

 Hey everyone,

Welcome back to my Blog, today we had to make a Sports Profile about a sport and a person from the Olympics.

The sport I chose is Artist Gymnastics and the Gymnast I chose is Simone Biles. She has won 25 medals in total at the World Champions and 19 of them are gold. She is the first American to win a medal in every event at this competition. At her first Summer Olympics Games in Rio, she earned 5 medals - four golds and 1 bronze.

Now you know a little bit more about her, here is my sports profile...


Thank you for reading my Blog post today, 
What's your favourite Olympics sport?

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Term 3 Goal Settings

 Hey Everyone,

Welcome back to my Blog, last week we had to do our Term 3 Goal Settings. A Goal Setting is when we plan what we want to achieve this term, here is mine.

Year 7/8 Wānanga Goal Setting





Greatest achievement from last term: 

I finished my work in time in my Hurumanu

Subjects taken this term:



Hurumanu 1 - Ngã Tãngata


Hurumanu 2 - Tūhura


Hurumanu 3 - Te Ao Whānui

Technology: Soft Materials & Wood Tech 


Other: Science

Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):


Helping people when they need help


Finishing a chapter book

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

Get better at shooting in Netball 

Learning how to defend better in Netball

What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

I use feedback to improve my work

I understand people & opinions 

I am an outstander - I choose to help others that are having a hard time

I can be trusted to use my device for a task that im meant to be doing

I have a growth mindset

I’m a curious learner - I ask questions

I manage my emotions when I am frustrated or challenged 

How will I achieve this?

I can achieve this by asking questions when I’m curious and I can take some time for myself to calm down so I don’t get angry at others. 

End of term reflection

 Thank you for reading this Blog Post.

What's your goal for this month? 
