What I already know
- It was a really big earthquake
What I want to find out
- The death toll
1. Because it happened during the early hours of the morning, and most people were home, asleep.
2. 6659 people got injured in the earthquake
3. Liquefaction is Sand, water, and Mud all mixed together, and breaks up through the ground and brakes many things in it's road, including Roads, and underground pipes
4. 115 people were inside the CTV building collapsed
5. Massive, Huge, Giant
Biggest earthquake in NZ
30km west of the city at 4:30 in the morning
The breaking of rocks is what causes earthquake
The fault line broke both way ( North & West )
There were a lot of after shocks
The 6.3 was the earthquake that killed people
Force of the ground pushed the rocks up 40cm